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Multiple Trees Were Recently Planted Along Several Hillcrest Streets.

Author: Jim Metzger

On Saturday, March 2, Hillcrest residents and merchants joined together to plant ten more trees

in the neighborhood. Golden maples were planted along Kavanaugh and Lee streets, and in

addition on some side streets like Midland, Cedar, and Monroe. Last fall, the HMA and

HRA boards allocated additional funds for landscaping use in Hillcrest. Many residents

had responded to a December letter from the HRA that offered new trees at no cost to


The groups are financially supporting the planting of trees on quasi-public land (e.g.,

median strips between streets and sidewalks, traffic islands). According to the Nature

Conservancy, “...(the) urban forest not only makes the area more beautiful and cools the urban

environment in the summer but also, and most importantly, it absorbs tons of carbon and

pollutants, acting as an offset against climate change.”

These recent attempts to beautify the neighborhood are changing the look of several busy

Hillcrest areas. All Hillcrest residents can help the project by watering the new trees

during the summer months. “Adopt” a new tree in your area and provide two or three

gallons of water twice each week during the dry periods – it will make all the difference

during the first summer after planting. As the poet Alfred Joyce Kilmer wrote before he was

killed in France during WWI:

I think that I shall never see

A poem lovely as a tree...

A tree that may in Summer wear

A nest of robins in her hair...

If you can help or have any questions, please contact one of the HRA board members.



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